Monday, April 24, 2017

You Can Trust Him...

Have you ever earnestly prayed about something, left it at the feet of Jesus, and felt peace? 
I have. 
Have you also prayed repetitiously about that same thing, because something may have happened to cause you to doubt what you believed God said?
I have.
Can I share my devotion from Hebrews 10:23 with you? The verse simply states, "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God Can Be Trusted to keep his promise. That is such good news! God's word is filled with endless promises and He can be trusted to keep every. single. one. I have to remind myself of this often. Once I leave a care or concern at the feet of Jesus, I Can trust that he has indeed heard my prayer. 

One of my favorite passages of scripture can be found in the book of Philippians chapter 4. The Apostle Paul encourages believers to "be anxious for nothing," but to pray about everything. Give it to God. Thank him for hearing you. Trust that he has your best interest at heart, (Jer. 29:11). Paul then says that God's peace, which is often times inconceivable, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. That means that we don't have to worry about if God heard us or if He cares. He does, (Psalm 138:3). Now allow HIS peace to comfort you. Trust him. He is a good, good father and he cares deeply for his children. 

I just want to encourage you today, whoever you are. God has not forgotten about you. He knows  exactly what you stand in need of and he intends to keep his promises to you. I don't know about you, but I think that's Good News!

Till next time,
Stay Connected

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