Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lifestyle Changes for a More Relaxed Outlook

My sister was browsing through her planner from the last academic year, (she's an educator) and she came across this list about creating a more relaxed outlook. I really liked and agreed with the list and wanted to share.

Six Basic Tips to Keep Tension at Bay

1. Avoid clutter
2. Accept the things you cannot change
3. Look for the learning opportunity in every challenge
4. Simplify your schedule
5. Take time for yourself each day
6. Spend time with positive people

There was also a list titled: 20 Ways to Unwind at Home. Will post later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, these things are so true! I don't think people realize that clutter can really affect your life! I probably go too far the other way - I get rid of anything I possibly can!

    I also agree that taking time for yourself is SO important, and we have to get past the guilty feelings that may be associated with that. We are better partners, moms, employees, whatever when we get some time to ourselves!

    By the way, thanks for visiting This Mom Loves, and for commenting on the Ready for Kindergarten post. I'm sure your little girl will be just fine! We put so much pressure on them...and ourselves...but kids have to be kids! Oh, and I am now following your beautiful blog!

    Kate @ This Mom Loves
